Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Value of Mentoring

Today's lunchtime visit was with Erika Crowell, a 2002 alum of MSU's Communication Arts & Sciences College. Erika started her career at GolinHarris as an intern right out of college and also worked at DD&B before landing at Deloitte two or so years ago.
She's now Manager of Deloitte's Internal Communications for hte Midwest Region.
Erika was one of the first students I met at Michigan State University when I started teaching there in 1999 right out of grad school.
She was very active in the PRSSA chapter there, eventually becoming president of the chapter.
Erika credits her PRSSA experience and connections and the mentoring she received during her college career as being the difference in her Public Relations success.
Erika continues to give back as a mentor to interns and others and believes that's one of the most important things she can do to "pay it forward".
Erika and I met at the South Water Kitchen on N. Wabash in downtown Chicago for lunch.
I couldn't be more proud of one of my students than I am of Erika. That great smile is as bright as her career and I know she will be one of Public Relations' brightest stars!

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