Thursday, July 29, 2010

Meet Linda Kingman

Linda Kingman, Executive Vice President at Insidedge, Chicago, took me out for lunch today and we had a wide-ranging discussion about corporate and agency PR, what students find interesting these days, and how her background has prepared her for her role at Insidedge.
Linda has an extensive background, including work for Kemper Insurance and Hill & Knowlton. Of particular interest was her experience working at Kemper during the 9/11 tragedy. Fortunately, no Kemper employees were lost in the terrorist attacks, but the challenges of helping employees work through the aftermath and recovery from this tragedy were significant.
Linda loves her work with clients, especially the opportunity to train both communicators and front-line managers as the clients she counsels work to establish better employee engagement.
Linda also has responsibility for the firm's blog. Check it out at

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