Thursday, July 29, 2010

An Attorney Working in PR? Yup!

There are so many colleges and universities today offering majors or minors in public relations that you'd assume everybody working in PR has a degree in PR. Not always so.
Just as some of us originally came from journalism and eventually went into PR/got PR degrees, others come from fields such as the law.
One such person is Caroline Hoenk, Esq., who is a Vice President at Insidedge here in Chicago.
Caroline and I met and talked about her work with the Society of Actuaries (SOA). She had previously worked in investor relations at Financial Dynamics and had supervised Carly Jarosz there (see earlier post). Another validation of that "small world" thing!
One thing the SOA is working on is recruitment on college campuses. Many students in business school are unaware of the actuarial field and the career opportunities there. Caroline sometimes travels along with SOA to visit campuses and spread the word.
Having Caroline's legal training and expertise on staff at Insidedge is smart, as is Caroline!

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