Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again!

Monday, January 12, marks the beginning of spring semester here at Syracuse.
Appropriately, we have another storm coming tomorrow and we've had more than five feet of snow since winter began in November. We're on pace to set a record for snow this winter!
Those of us on the faculty and staff have had a well-deserved break, but now it's time to start preparing for the return of students and the comfortable rhythm of a new semester.
I always get excited to begin a new semester. New students. New faces. A chance to try out new ideas in my classes. A chance to learn.
We faculty are the ones who are supposed to do the teaching, but every semester I find I learn a lot from my students. Maybe it's something about technology. Maybe it's a dose of humility.
No matter what the lesson, I'm the richer for it. And that's why teaching is one of the best ways to live your life.
My office assistant, Holly, is pictured here. She's been resting up, too, and is anxious to begin the new semester.
Let's get started!

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